The GSZ5 dust seal (wiper seal)is a type of double-lip dust-proof ring that consists of a wearing ring with sealing and dust-proof cutting edges, along with an O-ring that acts as a pre-tightening element. It is specifically designed for use in challenging environments characterized by severe dust, intense cold, and high-frequency reciprocating motion. The GSZ5 dust seal finds its primary application in hydraulic and pneumatic devices, equipment used in the chemical and food industries. Its main function is to provide effective sealing and prevent the ingress of dust and contaminants, ensuring the reliable operation and longevity of the systems it is employed in.

Technical information
  • Max speed:5m/ s
  • Max pressure:-
  • Temperature range:-40~110℃
  • MAT: Filled PTFE+Elastomer
Section O Ring Section Recommend Rod Diameter Rang Groove Width Groove Depth Diameter
  (mm) d (mm) L+0.2 (mm) S(mm) D2 (mm)
A 2.62 19 39.9 4.2 3.80 Ø d + 1.5
B 2.62 40 69.9 6.3 4.40 Ø d + 1.5
C 3.53 70 139.9 8.1 6.10 Ø d + 2.0
D 5.33 140 399.9 9.5 8.00 Ø d + 2.5
E 6.99 400 649.9 14.0 12.00 Ø d + 2.5
G 8.40 650 以上 16.0 13.65 Ø d + 2.5


Specification Table:

d D H D2(small steps)
18 25.6 4.2 19.5
20 27.6 4.2 21.5
22 29.6 4.2 23.5
25 32.6 4.2 26.5
28 35.6 4.2 29.5
30 37.6 4.2 31.5
32 39.6 4.2 33.5
35 42.6 4.2 36.5
36 43.6 4.2 37.5
38 45.6 4.2 39.5
40 48.8 6.3 41.5
45 53.8 6.3 46.5
50 58.8 6.3 51.5
55 63.8 6.3 56.5
56 64.8 6.3 57.5
60 68.8 6.3 61.5
63 71.8 6.3 64.5
65 73.8 6.3 66.5
70 82.2 8.1 72
75 87.2 8.1 77
80 92.2 8.1 82
85 97.2 8.1 87
90 102.2 8.1 92
95 107.2 8.1 97
100 112.2 8.1 102
105 117.2 8.1 107
110 122.2 8.1 112
115 127.2 8.1 117
120 132.2 8.1 122
125 137.2 8.1 127
130 142.2 8.1 132
135 147.2 8.1 137
140 156 9.5 142.5
145 161 9.5 147.5
150 166 9.5 152.5
160 176 9.5 162.5
170 186 9.5 172.5
180 196 9.5 182.5
190 206 9.5 192.5
200 216 9.5 202.5

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